WeAre8 presents... A new study ‘Eyes Wide Open’ with Lumen, that explores the attention metrics behind social media advertising and provides preliminary insights, powered by Scope3 data, into how much attention is generated relative to the carbon emissions each platform emits when delivering an advert.

Open your eyes to the future of attention metrics behind social media advertising and how delivering ads in a responsible way that puts people and the planet first makes them impossible to miss!



Average time attentive to ads on WeAre8 is 4.7x more than other social apps


Brands get 13x more attention per ad impression for every gram of CO2 emitted than the closest competitor

8 in 10

Average brand recall after watching an ad on WeAre8 with almost 20% average increase in the likelihood of people choosing the brand as a result
Lumen insights using Scope3 preliminary data, Feb 2023

Amelia Wallis


“It's not often you see such consistent results from a digital advertising model as we have seen with this study. The opt-in advertising experience on WeAre8 would always deliver a lot of time spent viewing, but what was so surprising was the engagement we found from long-form ad creative. The longer the ad creative played on WeAre8, the higher the attention outcome.”

Jackie Lyons

Havas Media Group
UK’s Head of Planning

“Attention and sustainability are hot topics right now. As an agency we believe both are important to the future growth of brands. Every social channel has its own superpower, and this study has shown that certainly for WeAre8, premium video delivered with low carbon is theirs.”


Next Century Media and
New Electronic Media Science

“I was excited by these results and by the thoughtfulness of the approach, having written for decades about the need to establish real human connections between brands and people. The WeAre8 user experience is an unrushed affair in which people are being treated with the utmost respect and can see how their time given to the brand helps people.”


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‘Eyes Wide Open’ was conducted in partnership with advertisers spanning the entertainment, FMCG, finance and automotive sectors across Australia and the United Kingdom. In the United Kingdom, this was in partnership with Havas Media UK.

Conducted by leading insights agency Lumen and leveraging carbon emissions data from Scope3, the study involved ads from seven brands across Australia and the United Kingdom and was analysed against a panel of respondents aged 18 - 64 years.